Ask yourself, why should I demand a skin pathologist?
What is dermatopathology? (DER•MA•TO•PA•THOL•O•GY)
Specialized pathology of the skin.
A dermatopathologist is a highly trained physician who specializes in diagnosing disorders of the skin under a microscope. The subspecialty of dermatopathology is a combination of both dermatology (the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair and nail disorders) and pathology (identification of disorders microscopically).
A dermatopathologist is often referred to as the Sherlock Holmes of Skin because, in order to make a definitive diagnosis, he or she must make microscopic observations regarding your skin tissue, as well as assess information received from your dermatologist.
Because of this highly specialized pathology, a dermatopathologist should be the diagnostician of choice when your dermatologist suspects various skin disorders. Dermatopathology cases may include melanoma, and other skin cancers, immunologic, infectious and pediatric disorders. Since a misdiagnosis of certain skin disorders can be fatal, it is imperative that you and your dermatologist receive the most accurate and timely diagnosis.
Diagnosing your skin tissue is not another automated laboratory test. Dermatopathologists provide a personal, consultative service to your dermatologist, which includes analyzing your medical information in conjunction with observations through the microscope. The ultimate goal is to provide the best possible patient care for you, the patient.
For information on how to protect your skin and additional education, visit our patient awareness website: Spot the Spot