Category: Diagnostic Reference Sheets
General Information Granuloma Annulare (GA) is a common condition that appears in places that are subject to frequent, mild injury such as the back of the hands or top of the feet. The condition is mostly seen in older children and young adults. Generalized and localized GA lesions usually manifest as asymptomatic cutaneous lesions. The […]
General Information Glomus Tumors are relatively uncommon benign neoplasms that differentiate to become modified smooth muscle cells called glomus cells. There are two different types of glomus tumors: Solitary and Multiple glomus tumors, which are also known as glomangiomas or glomulovenous malformations. Each of them has distinct clinical and histopathologic characteristics. Glomus tumors are neoplasms […]
General Information Furuncle (Boil) is a very common skin infection caused by staphylococci, involving an entire hair follicle and nearby skin tissue. The infection consists of tender, red, perifollicular swelling which will eventually terminate in a discharge of pus and of a necrotic plug. The damage to the Furuncle usually occurs by the patient, another […]
General Information Folliculitis Decalvans is a slowly spreading inflammation of the hair follicle, which leads to progressive scarring. It is distinguished by follicular plugging and multiple rounded or oval patches can be found on the scalp, each surrounded by crops of follicular pustules. There may be no other changes, but successive crops of pustules, each […]
General Information Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles, in more severe cases permanent hair loss and scarring has been noted. Symptoms and signs of superficial folliculitis include groups of small red bumps that develop around hair follicles; Pus-filled blisters that break open and crust over; Itchiness or tenderness. Deep folliculitis begins deeper in […]
General Information Fixed Drug Eruptions take place each time a particular drug is taken by an individual and a skin reaction occurs on the same place of the body. The rash is very pruritic or may burn at first, it will then erupt as a raised dusky red or purple-tinged patch of skin (plaque), some […]
General Information Erythrasma is a chronic superficial infection of the intertriginous areas of the skin. The incriminated organism is Corynebacterium minutissimum, which usually is present as a normal human skin inhabitant. The patches normally are seen in areas with moisture such as the groin, armpit, and skin folds. The infection is found frequently among individuals […]
General Information Erythema Nodosum is an inflammatory reaction deep in the skin. The reaction consists of tender red lumps or nodules that may range from 1 – 5 centimeters. Erythema nodosum commonly occurs over the shins, and may occasionally arise on the arms or other areas. Conditions that are associated with erythema nodosum include medications […]
General Information Erythema Multiforme is a type of hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction that occurs when certain medications are taken, with infections, or illness. Medications associated with erythema multiforme include sulfonamides, penicillins, barbiturates, and phenytoin. Blood vessels are damaged in the disorder that then causes subsequent damage to the skin tissue. Treatment goals include control of the […]
General Information Erythema Annulare Centrifugum is a lesion to have one or more annular lesion with a red, raised, firm border that will extend peripherally in the course of few weeks. Lesions may last from a few days to a few months. Likely causes are fungal infections of the feet, candida infection, ascaris infestation, carcinoma, […]